

Points of Emphasis
*Note: Kansas exceptions to NFHS Spirit Rules Book

Each KSHSAA member school shall require all coaching staff & every student participating in an athletic activity (including spirit activities) to complete a concussion education program.

An athlete who exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion (such as loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, contusion or balance problems) shall be immediately removed from the contest and shall not return to play until cleared by an appropriate health-care professional. Spirit coaches should refer to the current Concussion Guidelines accessible through our web site under Sports Medicine & Safety (http://www.kshsaa.org/Public/General/ConcussionGuidelines.cfm) or the NFHS Spirit Rule Book.

Heat Illness Prevention Education Requirement:
On an annual basis and prior to the beginning of fall sports practices, each KSHSAA member school will provide all coaches/directors of its athletic and activities programs (marching band, cheer & dance teams, etc.) with an educational in-service program on prevention of heat illness and proper hydration of participants. Member schools are strongly encouraged to utilize the free “NFHS Heat Illness Prevention” course or an equivalent program for this purpose. Instruction may take place in a group setting or in an individualized manner.

Glitter that does not readily adhere on the hair, face, body, uniform or costume is illegal. Glitter may be used on signs, props or backdrops only if laminated or sealed. Spraying glitter on any hair, body or clothing inside a school building is illegal.

Jewelry of any kind is prohibited (if you weren’t born with it, you can’t wear it, tape over it or conceal it) except for the following: A religious medal without a chain is allowed and must be taped and worn under the uniform. A medical-alert medal must be taped and may be visible.

*In Kansas, basket tosses, elevator tosses, or similar multi-base tosses continue to be illegal regardless of surface or geographical location. A pop-toss to a cradle is legal in Kansas as long as momentum stops at shoulder height or above immediately prior to the toss and the toss does not exceed 3 feet in height above the tosser’s hands is legal on any safe surface.

*Member schools may only attend “KSHSAA Approved Events” check approved list on web page or call before enrolling (may not be ranked at an in-state festival, clinic or workshop).

*In Kansas the top person/flyer is NOT allowed to hold any objects in his/her hands while airborne (poms, signs, etc.). Holding props during a toss presents risk to participants especially if safety adjustments become necessary.

*An inverted top person must not hold objects (poms, signs, etc.) in his/her hands, except during a transition from an inverted position on the performing surface to a non-inverted stunt.

Spirit Coaching Responsibilities

  1. Spirit Coaches are responsible for Safety & well-being of all participants.
    • 1. Assessing the progression of individual & team readiness
      1. Prudent Coach requires adequate skills & preparation
    • 2. Responsible for appropriate practice/performing conditions
      1. Heat & Hydration
      2. Injuries-recognition & treatment (have a plan)
    • 3. Coach must attend all practices – “Liability Issues”
    • 4. Team limited to performing stunts within coaches knowledge
    • 5. Communications between coaches, administration, parents & participants is critical and necessary.

Artificial Noisemaker Limitations
Artificial noisemakers (including megaphones, cow bells, thunder sticks, air horns, sirens, etc.) are not to be used and bands are not to play (including the beating of drums) while the game is in progress, indoors or outdoors. If the host school administration questions the safety or appropriateness of any noise maker it shall not be permitted. Please refer to the KSHSAA Music Manual, pages 33-34, relating to when bands can play.

By policy of the KSHSAA Executive Board, use of fireworks, cannons, air concussion cannons, hand-held explosives, and other devices, is not permitted at any KSHSAA postseason athletic event. Member schools have the authority to determine if they permit such devices at their regular season events.



Untitled Document
Current Dance Champions Current Cheer Champions
Olathe Northwest
Overland Park-Blue Valley Southwest
Eskridge-Mission Valley
Shawnee-Mill Valley
Overland Park-St. Thomas Aquinas
Almena-Northern Valley

[Previous State Champions]

[Previous State Champions]

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