
Hosting a Spirit Festival or Showcase

The requirements to host a Spirit Festival (Cheer, Dance, Drill Team) in Kansas are:

  1. Only member schools may host a spirit competition during the school year. Corporations or outside agencies may only serve as co-hosts.
  2. Host member school must design and distribute all advertising flyers, enrollment forms, liability forms, etc. The advertising flyers must be pre-approved by KSHSAA before distribution.
  3. Host member school must collect all fees.
  4. Host member school coach or activity director must be the contact person(s) who deals with any questions concerning the festival.
  5. Host member school is responsible to assure all KSHSAA and NFHS rules are followed on the day of the event.
  6. Awards - No rankings are allowed only judge’s critiques and/or ratings. (You may not rank which means indicating a #1, #2, #3, etc. You may rate giving I’s, II’s, III’s, etc. Awards must be based on a predetermined rubric system where any team/individual scoring above a designated point level will receive identical awards. There may not be only one team/individual receiving any specific award category-this would be ranking).
  7. Host member school must provide supervision throughout the entire school festival.
  8. Only KSHSAA member schools or other state association member schools may participate at any festival. If non-member schools, private club teams, all star teams, etc. are invited, they must perform at a separate time and in a separate category, apart from the interscholastic festival. The school festival should be scheduled first, immediately followed by any awards assembly then at least a 20 minute break must be taken. After such a break, a separate festival may be held which is not part of the interscholastic festival.
  9. If out-of-state member association schools are invited, the host school must complete the online KSHSAA Sanctioning application at least 30 days prior to the event. 60 days is highly recommended. This form must be approved in advance or out-of-state schools may NOT attend.
  10. Host member school may contract outside instructors, corporations, judges in order to run a quality event. Hiring judges who are qualified and familiar with KSHSAA and NFHS safety regulations should be a top priority.

Please contact Megan Hagaman if you have any questions regarding getting your Spirit Festival approved by the KSHSAA.


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Current Dance Champions Current Cheer Champions
Olathe Northwest
Overland Park-Blue Valley Southwest
Eskridge-Mission Valley
Shawnee-Mill Valley
Overland Park-St. Thomas Aquinas
Almena-Northern Valley

[Previous State Champions]

[Previous State Champions]

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