KSHSAA Bowling Tournaments

Regional Bowling Assignments

* Boys Team only ** Girls Team Only
NOTE: KSHSAA rules require that each regional grouping shall have the same number of schools/teams participating insofar as possible. Schools with both a boys and girls team will not be split. Schools with a single gender team will take turns traveling to other sites in order to provide for an equal number of teams insofar as possible.
Site Picture

6A - Overland Park-Blue Valley West HS

Date: 02/25/25
Host: Overland Park-Blue Valley West HS
Location: Olathe Lanes East
303 N Lindenwood Drive, Olathe
Manager: Kevin Simmerman & Eric Maxwell, Managers
Coaches Meeting: TBD
Girls - 9:00 a.m.
Boys - 12:50 p.m.
Kansas City-Wyandotte HS;
Olathe East HS;
Olathe South HS;
Overland Park-Blue Valley HS;
Overland Park-Blue Valley North HS;
Overland Park-Blue Valley Northwest HS;
Overland Park-Blue Valley West HS;
Shawnee Mission East HS;
Shawnee Mission North HS;
Shawnee Mission Northwest HS;
Shawnee Mission South HS;
Shawnee Mission West HS;

Site Picture

6A - Topeka HS

Date: 02/26/25
Host: Topeka HS
Location: Topeka-Gage Center Bowl
4200 SW Huntoon, Topeka
Manager: Cody Miller, Manager
Coaches Meeting:
Girls - 9:00 a.m.
Boys - 1:10 p.m.
Gardner Edgerton HS;
Junction City HS;
Lawrence HS;
Lawrence-Free State HS;
Manhattan HS;
Olathe North HS;
Olathe Northwest HS;
Olathe West HS;
Shawnee-Mill Valley HS;
Topeka HS;
Topeka-Washburn Rural HS;
Wichita-Southeast HS;

Site Picture

6A - Wichita-Northwest HS

Date: 02/25/25
Host: Wichita-Northwest HS
Location: Wichita-Let's Roll Seneca
1909 S Seneca, Wichita
Manager: Lance Deckinger, CAA & Brian Latta, Managers
Coaches Meeting: TBD
Girls - 9:35 a.m.
Boys - 1:05 p.m.
Derby HS;
Dodge City HS;
Garden City HS;
Haysville-Campus HS;
Liberal HS;
Maize HS;
Wichita-East HS;
Wichita-Heights HS;
Wichita-North HS;
Wichita-Northwest HS;
Wichita-South HS;
Wichita-West HS;

Kansas State High School Activities Association
601 SW Commerce Pl, Topeka KS 66615
Ph: 785.273.5329  Fax: 785.271.0236